Project Description
“Alte Anatomie” with a new permanent exhibition
After a public call for tenders and in accordance with the drafts produced by Augsburg-based design firm Thöner von Wolffersdorff, we were privileged to be commissioned in 2020 to produce and assemble various display cases, items of furniture and graphics for a total of 431 exhibits over an exhibition area of 350 square metres in the Deutsches Medizinhistorisches Museum. However, the materials to be installed by Winkel in the products first had to undergo a special inspection:since 1975, a test procedure has been in place to verify the suitability of the materials used in the construction of display cases. In accordance with the work steps set out in the Oddy test , these materials were treated for a total of 28 days in 100 % relative humidity and at a temperature of 60 degrees Celsius. This allowed us to exclude the possibility that any harmful substances which might be present would trigger corrosion in three indicator metals (silver, copper and lead). Construction work could then begin on the interior of the new permanent exhibition and the exhibits could be safely installed in the exhibition rooms and the display cases.
The ceremonial opening of the Deutsches Medizinhistorisches Museum took place in the “Alte Anatomie” in Ingolstadt on 25 October 2020 after a five-year period of closure for renovations.
Pictures: © Gabi Meyer-Brühl / Thöner von Wolffersdorff
Stadt Ingolstadt
Deutsches Medizinhistorisches Museum (German museum of medical history), Ingolstadt
Project Management